Adventurers Class - Year 3
Welcome to Adventurers Class!
What is the water cycle?
What are we learning about this term?
Maths: we will be learning the place value of numbers to 1000 and addition and subtraction with numbers up to 1000.
Times Tables: we have a times table lesson most days. Each session includes learning a new multiplication fact, its related facts and carrying out a timed times table test. We will start by revisiting the 10x and 2x tables.
Writing: we will be exploring the genres of Kenning poetry, explanation texts and non-chronological reports in our writing lessons. A large focus of Year 3 is using a wider range of conjunctions accurately, selecting higher level vocabulary and developing writing stamina. We will work particularly hard on developing and applying our scientific vocabulary to our writing this term.
Reading: we will be reading a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry texts over Autumn term, including Pebble in my Pocket by Meredith Hooper, Fortunately the Milk by Neil Gaiman and poetry by various poets.
Phonics/Spelling: we will continue consolidating and developing children’s knowledge of the Extended Code, building on their knowledge from Year 2. We will also explore different spelling rules to create greater understanding and accuracy when spelling a wider range of words.
Geography: in Term 1, our learning will centre on The Water Cycle. Please encourage your child to refer to their knowledge organiser regularly at home.
DT: we will explore shell structures and levers and linkages.
PE: we will have two weekly lessons (Wednesday and Friday) where we will be doing fundamentals and ball skills in term 1 and in term 2 we will do dodgeball and netball. Children will need to come to school in their school uniform and will return home in their PE kits.
Art: We will begin to explore art by Pablo Picasso.
Science: in term 1 we will be finding out about rocks, soil and fossils. We will discover some different types of rocks and their properties, identify what soil is made of and describe how fossils are formed.
Music: we will be exploring R&B in term 1.
Computing: we will be learning about coding.
Religion and Worldviews: we will be learning about how Christians show that ‘reconciliation’ with God and other people is important.
PSHE: we will be learning about themselves as learners.
Spanish: we will be exploring the Spanish phonetic system in Term 1.
Important Information
Children need their PE kits on Wednesdays and Fridays.
Homework books need to be in school by Thursday and will be returned to children to take home on Fridays.
Reading books and reading records should be in school everyday. Children may have their books changed on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Hit the Button - Great for improving number bonds and times tables.
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