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North Bradley CE Primary School

Art and Design


At North Bradley, we love ourselves, love each other, love the world and love learning. In Art we are able to love ourselves through self-expression and love each other, by celebrating our artistic prowess through dynamic and exciting displays throughout the school. In addition to this, we love the world of art, by studying artists, who have expertise and techniques in different fields of art, as well as looking at art from different places and different periods of time.

Through the scheme of study used at North Bradley for Art, the intention is for pupils to gain knowledge and understanding of the subject, through building knowledge of artists and skills. We believe that in order for children to love art, they need to develop their knowledge through the learning of processes and exploration of visual elements. Pupil’s record their knowledge development in their sketchbooks, when working towards an end piece of art, so that they can return to and reflect on their artistic journey. Artwork produced by children is influenced by painters, illustrators, sculptors, architects and craft makers.  The scheme of work has been carefully designed, so that children will experience different artists in each class, from a variety of disciplines in order to maximise cultural capital.


In EYFS and KS1, we use a range of materials creatively to design and make products. To do this, we develop our knowledge of drawing, painting and sculpture, by learning of and using a range of techniques. We also learn about the work of different types of artists, including, painters, illustrators and sculptors. Some of the artists we learn about include - Wassily Kandinsky, Piet Mondrian, Edward Said Tingatinga art and Franz Marc.

In KS2, we use Sketchbooks to record our knowledge and skill development. We creatively record our ideas and observations so that we can revisit them and review our progress. As we progress through KS2, we continue to develop our drawing, painting and sculpture knowledge, as well as begin to explore and use a variety of printing techniques. In KS2, we also improve our knowledge and understanding of great artists and begin to learn about architects and designers in history. We can apply our knowledge of artists to our own work, using our knowledge of their techniques and as inspiration for ideas. Some of the artists, architects and designers we might learn about in KS2 include - Maurits Cornelis Escher, Vincent van Gogh, Satoshi Kitamura and Hans Holbein.

Teachers word hard to link our art to our creative, topic based curriculum, making the learning we experience rich and memorable. This also means that our classroom displays are artistic, colourful and vibrant, which raises the profile of art throughout the school.

All classes have a visualiser to effectively teach knowledge of techniques and use of artists tools. This helps to contribute to Quality First Teaching for all.


The impact of the art curriculum and are approach to implementation is that every pupil enjoys art and is enthusiastic about this subject. Pupils will leave North Bradley CE Primary school with knowledge of a range of great artists from different disciplines and they will be able to use this knowledge and techniques learned to express themselves through painting, sculpture, drawing and printing. Pupils will also know of the links between art and other subjects, such as history, D.T. and R.E. Pupils will be artists with the courage to create when they progress to KS3.