Computing is increasingly intrinsic in all of our daily lives and our Computing curriculum at North Bradley aims to reflect this. Our program of study comes from the National Curriculum.
By the time that pupils leave our school, we aim to:
- provide a range of opportunities to program, problem solve and understand the fundamentals of computer science;
- utilise a range of digital devices and software to provide a rich context for computing sessions;
- develop children’s understanding of how networks and the internet work;
- embed computing in relevant other curriculum areas to enable them to see the historical and technological importance of technology;
- promote safe and responsible use of technology both in school and at home.
Pupils are given a wealth of opportunities to explore, use and develop a variety of hardware and software. We have a class set of laptops which are timetabled for use in each class, with iPads available for additional app use and computing experiences. Our Reception Class also has a desktop computer which enables them to begin their experiences with technology from the moment they start in our school.
Technology is used throughout the pupils’ school day and is embedded in our teaching. This enables the pupils to see the impact that technology has on everyday life and how it can be used as a tool to support and develop their learning. Each classroom has an interactive whiteboard which is used on a regular basis to support and promote interactive learning.
The Computing Curriculum at North Bradley School is embedded through the use of the online tool 'Purple Mash', which enables pupils to achieve high standards of programming, creation of digital content and provides many cross-curricular links. Our Reception Class begin using Purple Mash in the Spring Term, with their focus being on independently switching on and using devices initially. Additionally, E-Safety is of the utmost importance in our school and we regularly teach our children to uphold the same level of kindness, respect and awareness in the virtual world that they would in the real one: our school values of 'Love Ourselves, Love Each Other, Love Our World and Love Learning' are just as important virtually as they are in the real world. Our commitment to developing responsible digital citizens is embedded into not only our Computing curriculum, but is also present in our PSHE teaching which gives it a real presence within our school.
- Most children will achieve age related expectations in Computing at the end of their cohort year.
- Children will retain knowledge that is pertinent to Computing with a real life context.
- Children will be confident, creative and independent learners.
- Children will have an understanding of online safety issues and how to keep themselves safe online.
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