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North Bradley CE Primary School


Our vision at North Bradley:

At North Bradley Primary School, we provide highly effective teaching and learning within a culture of challenge, nurture and support. We aim to provide learning experiences that will enable each child to progress to their full potential matching their interests, abilities, backgrounds and additional needs.

Our curriculum enables as many children as possible to achieve a Good Level of Development by the end of their time in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and we build on this in subsequent years. Through our curriculum, we aim to connect children with our community and then the wider world using multi-sensory approaches and a curriculum rich in play.

Curriculum at North Bradley:

At North Bradley, we follow the curriculum as outlined in the 2023 EYFS statutory framework.

Statutory EYFS Framework: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/early-years-foundation-stage-framework--2

We adhere to the ‘EYFS Statutory Framework’ and the four guiding principles:

The EYFS framework includes 7 areas of learning and development that are equally important and inter-connected.

The prime areas:

  • Physical Development
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Communication and Language

The specific areas:

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

Pedagogy - helping children to learn at North Bradley:

  • Every child can make progress in their learning, with the right support.
  • Our pedagogy is a balance of approaches; learning through play, by adults modelling
  • and through guided learning and direct teaching.
  • We carefully organise environments for high-quality play. Sometimes, we adapt the environment to meet the needs of children’s play. Sometimes, we join in to support and extend children’s learning.
  • We plan a learning environment, indoors and outside, and it is an important aspect of our pedagogy.

Importance of play at North Bradley:

  • Carefully planned environments and activities develop each child’s characteristics of learning through play.  
  • Using high quality questioning and interactions to check understanding and address misconceptions.
  • Play allows children to practise, create and discover their world and develop confidence and independence.
  • Play-based activities might be solitary or social, and involve a combination of cognitive and physical skills.
  • Play is learning and play is FUN!

Characteristics of Effective Learning


Creative & Critical Thinking
Active Learning


Curriculum EYFS

Development Matters Non-statutory guidance