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North Bradley CE Primary School


We are very lucky at North Bradley CE Primary School to be surrounded by amazing countryside in a beautiful part of the country. We have many opportunities to explore our local, and some more distant surroundings. 


Our POS is developed from the National Curriculum. The purpose of the POS is that children are inspired to have a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people. Pupils will leave KS2 equipped with knowledge about diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments. They will have a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes. As children progress through the school their growing knowledge will help them deepen their understanding of the interaction between physical and human processes, the formation of landscapes and environments. Geographical knowledge, skills and understanding provide the framework and approaches that explain how the Earth’s features at different scales are shaped, interconnected and change over time.


Through the study of geography, children gain knowledge essential to our understanding of the world around us and the environmental awareness that is a prerequisite for responsible participation in society. At North Bradley CE Primary School, our children study Geography from Reception through to the end of Year 6. Our geography curriculum links geographical knowledge to a variety of learning contexts within each year group, which have been planned to ensure the required breadth of coverage at each Key Stage. 

Our geography lessons are built around a key enquiry question. Children are actively involved in shaping this enquiry through their questions and interests, guided by the teacher.

Year R

What is on the map?

How is life similar and different in this country and other countries?

How can we help the world?

How are some environments different to ours?

Year 1

What can we visit in North Bradley and the school grounds?

What makes Antarctica unique?

Year 2

What makes the UK a great place to visit?

What is the same and what is different between the UK and Kenya?

Year 3

What human and physical features are in the South-West?

How can we protect the coast?

Year 4

How is the River Severn different to the River Biss?

How does the climate affect the geography of Europe?

Year 5

How has London changed?

How does a country in North America compare to the UK?

Year 6

How are volcanoes and mountains different?

What is the impact of living in an earthquake zone?

Why does South America produce so much food? Why is this a global issue?

These questions also provide an ideal context for extending children's literacy in speaking and listening, reading and writing. We ensure that there is a balance between the acquisition of geographical disciplinary skills and substantive knowledge so that at the end of the unit of work, pupils will be able to use this understanding to give a well reasoned, substantiated answer to the enquiry question.

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) follows the ‘Development Matters in the EYFS’ guidance which aims for all children in Foundation Stage to have an ‘Understanding of the World; people and communities, the world and technology’ by the end of the academic year. We aim for our EYFS children to be able to talk about the lives of the people around them and their roles in society and know some similarities and differences between things in the past and now, drawing on their experiences and what has been read in class.

Children at North Bradley develop their disciplinary skills; their ability to think like a geographer. Children ask geographical questions, use different geographical sources and collect and analyse their own data to help them in answering questions with children becoming increasingly responsible for their own enquiry as they get older. Our four main skills that children develop are:

  • Fieldwork
  • Map work
  • Data analysis
  • Questioning

Our geography curriculum is built around five core themes that children will revisit year on year to further develop their understanding. We carefully map these themes across the units and revisit them.  Each time the children encounter a concept, their understanding of it becomes denser and more nuanced. The themes are: 

  • Weather and climate
  • Settlement and land use
  • Hazards and responses
  • Transport, trade and the distribution of resources
  • The environment - climate change, threats and responses.

We visit many local surroundings, landmarks and places of interest to support our geography learning contexts which develop children’s understanding of the world around them. In addition, children in Year 4 take part in a geography based residential trip, through which they are involved in many orienteering and geographical learning.

At the beginning of each unit, children are given a knowledge organiser which shows the key knowledge that will be covered throughout the learning context. Low stake quizzes happen at the beginning and end of each unit.  This provides a means by which progress can be judged in terms of knowing more and remembering more.


Through following our Geography Programme of Study our children, by the end of KS2, will have gained a coherent knowledge and understanding of their local area, including North Bradley village, Trowbridge, Wiltshire and the South-West region. Children will also be aware of different environments around the UK. Children will be able to compare contrasting environments that they have studied, noting similarities and differences. Alongside this, children will explore a wide range of global environments and will be able to compare regions of the UK with regions of Europe, North America and South America. They will be able to discuss a wide range of human and physical features and locate places studied confidently one a wide range of maps. Children will be able to use many other sources, alongside maps, to gather knowledge about places studied and will have an increasingly prominent role in fieldwork. The children's work in their topic books, low stake quizzes and well-reasoned and substantiated answers to the units enquiry questions show evidence of this broad and balanced history curriculum and demonstrates their acquisition of the key disciplinary skills, key knowledge and substantive concepts taught.  


Geography Policy Nov 2021

Geography SOW Autumn 21