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North Bradley CE Primary School


Welcome to our Governors’ section.

The Local Governing Board (LGB) of North Bradley CE Primary School meet regularly. The LGB is reposnsible for oversight of Safeguarding, SEND, Standards and 

By working closely with the senior leadership of the school, they also ensure that our Christians valkues are upheld.  

Governors Reports


Meet the Governors

Kelandie Ash  (Headteacher) - Staff Governor - Ex Officio

Committees; Staffing & Curriculum and Finance & Premises

Date of Appointment: 01/09/2016   Term of Office:  Ongoing 

Business / other interest: Nil 

Tracey Baxter (Deputy Headteacher) - Staff Governor

Committee: Staffing & Curriculum

Head of KS2

Date of Appointment: 01/01/2003   Term of Office: 30/09/2021 - 30/09/2025

Business / other interests: Nil 

Allister Belcher  - Parent Governor 

Committee: Finance & Premises 

Areas of responsibility: Health and safety

Date of Appointment: 13/10/16     Term of Office:  01/10/20  - 01/10/24

Business/other interests: Delivery of school lunches & school cleaning contract.

Personal Statement: 

I am a small business owner who lives in the village. I have been a parent governor since 

October 2016. I am responsible for health and safety in the school. I am currently Chair for

the Finance and Premises committee.  

Kay Cadby Co-opted Governor (Chair) 

Committee: Staffing & Curriculum

Areas of Responsibility: PP and Disadvantaged.  

Date of Appointment: 01/02/2010 Term of Office: 02/02/2022 - 01/02/2026

Business/other interest: Nil 

Personal Statement: I have been a school governor since 2010 and currently I am the early years (Reception) link governor.  I have a child at North Bradley School.
I am a tutor at the AECC University College in Bournemouth and I am the Director of Academic Affairs for the Royal College of Chiropractors. I have recently taken on the role of British Education Commissioner for the International Federation of Sports Chiropractors, responsible for monitoring the content and certification of postgraduate education in Sports Chiropractic. 


Linda Morgan - Co-opted Governor

Committee: Staffing and Curriculum 

Date of appointment: 10/10/22          Term of office: 10/10/22 - 10/10/26

Area of responsibility: RE / collective worship. 

Business / other interest : Is an HLTA / TA at North Bradley CE Primary School

Personal Statement: I have been working in primary education for approximately 20 years. My interests out of work include working with my church and the community, bringing people together. I am currently working on 'Going for Gold', an Eco project being promoted by the Church of England. Its Mission is to bring wildlife back into churchyards and to enable church buildings to be as environmentally friendly as possible; not always easy when your church dates back to the 13th century! 

Alex Tucker - Parent Governor 

Area of responsibility: SEND and pupil premium.  

Date of appointment : 10/10/22            Term of Office: 21/11/2022 - 20/11/2026

Business / other interest: 

Personal statement : Having moved to North Bradley in 2016 and now having my two children attend the school I have always been keen to support the school and governors. Coming from a background of IT and spending my working day within the education sector, it's nice to be able to give something back. I have been really impressed by all members of staff and the wider governors who show a real passion and commitment to the children of North Bradley.


Nicola Demski - Parent Governor 

Area of responsibility: SEND

Date of appointment :            Term of Office: 01/12/2022 - 30/11/2026

Business / other interest: 

Personal statement : I am a parent governor, currently with one child at North Bradley. I have been a primary school teacher since 2011. Throughout my time teaching, I have developed a particular interest within the English and Spoken Language curriculum areas.

Charlie Gillies - Parent Governor 

Area of responsibility:   Safeguarding 

Date of appointment :  01/12/2022      Term of Office: 30/11/2026

Business / other interest: 

Personal statement :

My name is Charley Gillies and I have lived in North Bradley for over 10 years. I was inspired to become a parent governor, because as a parent of two children at North Bradley Primary School, I was impressed by all the hard work which goes into providing the supportive and nurturing environment that North Bradley School offers our children.

I believe that children can only learn if they are supported both emotionally and socially and I am proud of all the North Bradley School does to make it such an Inclusive learning environment for our children.

I have worked in Secondary Education for over 20 years and I work at John of Gaunt School as a Geography teacher and year 7 form tutor, which means I am familiar with the education system and how schools operate. I am looking forward to extending my involvement within the school and helping to maintain its excellent standards in my role as parent governor.

James Jones - Parent Governor 

Area of responsibility:   Attendance 

Date of appointment :  01/12/2022      Term of Office: 01/12/2022 - 30/11/2026

Business / other interest: 

Personal statement : I currently work for the Royal Navy as a Meteorologist- Oceanographist and spent time 5 years as a Hydrographer.  I'm a parent governor and have a child attending North Bradley . I also have another child in the associated pre school.

Chris Elven - Co-opted 

Area of responsibility: Health and safety

Date of appointment : 20/03/2024   Term of Office: 20/03/2024 - 19/03/2028

Business / other interest: 

Personal statement :






Clerk to the Governors; Amanda Noakes.  



North Bradley CE Primary School

01225 753230


Members who have stepped down  

Governors who have stepped down.docx.pdf

Meeting minutes – 2021-22

Full Governing Body minutes - 30.09.21.pdf

Governor Meetings 

Details of the Full Governing Body meetings planned for 2021-2022 are available from the school office.

Governor Attendance

Attendance 2021-2022

Attendance 2020-21 final

Attendance 2019-2020 final