PSHE stands for Personal, Social and Health Education and forms the backbone of our teaching here at North Bradley, where we believe that:
“Education is not concerned only with equipping students with the knowledge and skills they need to earn a living. It must help our young people to use leisure time creatively; have respect for other people, other cultures and other beliefs; become good citizens; think things out for themselves; pursue a healthy lifestyle and, not least, value themselves and their achievements”. (Sir Ron Dearing 1993).
This is also evident in two of our school values: 'Love Ourselves' and 'Love Each Other'.
Our aim is to be a health-promoting school through:
- ensuring a caring, stimulating, clean, safe and healthy environment;
- raising self-esteem through positive reinforcement of good behaviour, celebrating achievement, valuing what children say and do and using a 'Five to Thrive' approach;
- raising awareness of behaviour and encouraging self-awareness with respect to personal attitudes and feelings and to understand and respect others;
- developing an awareness of moral, cultural, economic and ethical dimensions;
- developing personal skills in assertiveness, communication and relationships;
- improving personal knowledge of e.g. the body and how it works, healthy eating, exercise, and the effects of helpful and harmful substances;
- providing children with opportunities to make good choices based on their understanding of the issues involved;
- reaching out to and involving families and the wider community.
PSHE is taught within the teaching of all subjects as well as a discrete subject. Using SCARF as a starting point, areas covered include:
- Relationship and Sex Education, linked to RE and science (See RSE Policy for more details)
- Drugs education which is supported by a visit from the Life Bus;
- Friendships, supporting Anti – Bullying Week and including how we are all different and special;
- Healthy living, eating, and mental well being linked to science and DT;
- Work and economic responsibility;
- Social and emotional literacy, using SEAL resources;
- Safety, working alongside Wiltshire Road Safety Services ;
- Global citizenship.
SCARF is used right from the Reception Class through to Year 6, with age-specific topics progressing throughout the school to help our children to be respectful, self-aware young citizens.
PSHE is also present outside the curriculum in the everyday ethos of the school. For example:
- School Council, which meets bi-weekly, with representatives from Y2 - Y6
- Assemblies, including from outside agencies such as the Fire Service and the NSPCC
- School Clubs, which have included First Aid, Cooking and Gardening
- Supporting charities and local groups/initiatives
- Trowbridge Youth Parliament, with a representative from Year 5 and Year 6 attending meetings and sharing activities with the School Council
- Engagement with national events, such as Black History Month and E-Safety Week
Social Media