A Multi-Sensory Approach
At North Bradley Primary School, we teach phonics using a structured synthetic phonics programme called Sounds-Write. Sounds-Write is a highly structured, cumulative, multi-sensory approach to teaching children to read and spell. The Sounds-Write programme is accessible to all learners with its clear and consist structure and this supports them to make progress in reading and spelling.
There are four key concepts children will learn:
1. Letters are symbols that represent sounds
2. Sounds can be spelled using 1, 2, 3 or 4 letters
3. The same sound can be spelled in different ways
4. The same spelling can represent different sounds
Children will master three key skills:
1. Blending
2. Segmenting
3. Phoneme manipulation
Sounds-Write across the school…..
Phonics is taught across the school from Reception to Year 6, in KS1 children have daily 30 minute lessons and in KS2 regular sessions 3 times a week, Children in Reception begin with the Initial code where they practise all three key skills whilst learning and securing concept 1, that letters are symbols that represent sounds.
In Years 1 and 2 children cover the Extended code and begin reading Polysyllabic words. They will consolidate all three key skills and learn; concept 2, sounds can be spelled using 1, 2, 3 or 4 letters, concept 3, the same sound can be spelled in different ways and concept 4, the same spelling can represent different sounds.
In KS2 children continue to consolidate their Extended code knowledge and skills, whilst developing their reading and spelling of Polysyllabic words.
How you can help….
We encourage all of our parents to access the free Sounds-Write online course for parents: Help your child to read and write so that they are well-informed about how best to support their children with their reading.
You can find access linked here: Support for Parents and Carers - Sounds-Write
Initial code app - download for iPads: iPad App - Sounds-Write
Phonic & Reading Information Reception
Phonic & Reading Information Year 1
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