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North Bradley CE Primary School

Religion and Worldviews

North Bradley CE Primary School Religion and Worldviews

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Our Intent 

Our intention is that the Religion and Worldviews curriculum at North Bradley CE Primary School will support and enhance our broad and balanced curriculum and allow our children to SHINE; Strive, Hope, Inclusion, Nurture, Equality. 

Our aim is to engage children in engaging and memorable learning experiences in Religion and Worldviews lessons. 

We want to equip our children with the skills to answer challenging questions, explore different religious beliefs, values and traditions and develop a more rigorous understanding of the numerous religious traditions, practices and beliefs that are followed in our multi cultural society. 

Our Implementation for our Religion and Worldviews Curriculum

Our Religion and Worldviews curriculum at North Bradley CE Primary school is based on The Emmanuel Project, an enquiry based approach to teaching. As a Church Of England school we will cover a minimum of 50% Christianity across each school year. In addition to this we learn about other faiths including; Islam, Judaism, Sikhism and Humanism. 

We enrich our teaching by including aspects of the following; 

  • exploring sacred texts 
  • handling related artefacts 
  • organising whole school events; productions, Church services of celebration etc
  • visiting key religious sites and using the internet to support this when it's not possible
  • inviting visitors from key religious communities
  • using drama and imaginative play to express ideas
  • responding to and creating; art, music, dance, images, games and stories
  • comparing religions and world views through discussion.
  • Debating key questions through theological thinking. 

The Impact of our Religion and Worldviews Curriculum

Through the teaching of our Religion and Wordviews lessons the children should be able to access key religious vocabulary to help them discuss, recall knowledge and understand religion and non-religious worldviews within society. Specific skills that are important in Religion and Worldviews lessons, will have been developed including:

Key Stage 1

  • retelling religious stories
  • recognising symbols
  • sharing and respecting opinions
  • asking questions
  • responding positively to differences and similarities

Key Stage 2

  • making connections between belief and actions
  • reflecting on personal values and those of a believer
  • understanding different ways of life and ways to express meaning
  • asking and answering questions from their viewpoint and that of a believer
  • discussing issues which impact communities and include religious and non-religious beliefs

Throughout the school, children learn about and from Religions and Worldviews so that we can respect the diversity within our classroom, school, local community, national community and wider world. Pupils will also gain a true understanding of our school values to love ourselves, love each other, love learning and love the world through their Religion and Worldviews provision.

North Bradley Religion and Worldviews Curriculum Overview

Religion and Worldviews Curriculum Overview