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North Bradley CE Primary School


My name is Chris Williams and I am working as the SENDco here this year.  Many of you will know me as I was the SENDco before Mrs Goode and I have more recently worked in Year 1 and Reception.

If you need to make contact with me for specific information or questions around supporting children with special educational needs or disability, then please use the email below and I will be in touch as soon as I can.


Information Report 2023-24

SEND Policy 2023-24

Parent Testimonials


Below are examples of paperwork that we use to help support children with SEN&D throughout their time in our school.

You will also find some useful help and support.

Exemplar One Page Profile

ELSA Information Leaflet

Provision Map

One Page Profile; contribution from home

Exemplar Intervention Form, (Sound Discovery) 2021

Five to Thrive Poster. Five steps to making positive connections with people.

Information on SEND services in Wiltshire, provision in schools and other useful information can be found on the Wiltshire Local Offer page: https://localoffer.wiltshire.gov.uk

For any further information, please contact the school on 01225 753230.