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North Bradley CE Primary School

Safeguarding and Child Protection

It is our highest priority that children at our school are kept safe at all times. In order to ensure this, the following is in place:

  • all staff know the children well and establish positive relationships with them and their families.
  • staff are regularly trained to deal with safeguarding concerns and issues.
  • there are robust recruitment procedures and all new staff, governors and volunteers have a full induction that gives a very high priority to safeguarding, child protection and health & safety.
  • everyone who works with children in the school is subject to a DBS check.
  • all staff, governors and volunteers are regularly updated on issues regarding safeguarding, child protection and health & safety that may affect their role.
  • there is a Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) for Child Protection in our school, Miss Kelandie Ash, who is legally required to report any suspected cases of child abuse (non-accidental injury, physical neglect, emotional abuse and or sexual abuse). Our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) is Mrs Tracey Baxter.
  • there is a regularly reviewed Child Protection Policy that can be accessed from this website.

​If you are ever concerned about the welfare or safety of any child in this school please contact the Designated Safegarding Lead either via the school office on 01225 753230 or through this email address; safeguarding@northbradley.wilts.sch.uk 

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Miss Kelandie Ash

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Tracey Baxter

Our Child Protection Policy

Safeguarding Policy 2023- 2024

Useful links

Wiltshire Council Child ProtectionNSPCC Child ProtectionReporting Child Abuse to Wiltshire Police