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North Bradley CE Primary School

Storytellers Class - Reception

Learning this term 

This term we are exploring themes including; habitats and what makes these special for the animals that live there. We will look at The Easter Story and why this is such an important story for Christians. In literacy we will be learning the story "Farmer Duck" and "The Little Red Hen". We will learn the stories, sequence the main events and compose our own sentences based on the vocabulary used in the stories. In numeracy we will explore, doubles, odd and even numbers and will look at height, length and time.

Stay & Play

Characteristics of Effectvie Learning

Playing & Exploring


Creative & Critical Thinking


Celebrating Successes


Active Learning

Helpful Links 

Purple mash

Bank of Nursery Rhymes and Songs to sing with your child

Evidence Me for Parents & Carers

Sounds~Write Phonics information evening

Phonic & Reading parent workshop 28/9/23

Sounds-Write a guide for parents


Support for Parents & Carers -Free Sounds~Write course

Sounds~Write Phonics

How to pronounce initial code sounds.

Sounds~Write Reading Books

How to help your child to read a decodable story.